Friday, July 27, 2012

My true 3 things

Thoday!I will tell you 3 things about me.The first true thing is 'I love dogs',the second true thing is 'i love playing tabletennis.' at last the thrid true thing is 'I love to travel other contries'.

Do you know why I love dogs???
That is because dogs ara cute and intelligent. Dogs(that I don't know!)listen to me very well.When I say "PAW!"it gives me its tail and I say"SIT!" it sits and wags its tail,too.
Do you know what kind of dog I like the best?
I like maltese which color is white and the age is about 8months old,because that age it just know its parents,so when it is finding its parents I can help it.^^*
Who like dogs in my family??
Nobody likes dogs in my family expect me!I'm very sad about it. I tried my parents to like dogs,but it will never happen!
Why do I love playing tabletennis?
It is fun and relieves my school stress.If I'm out of my stressI can study harder.Therefore,I usually play tabletennis.
When do I play tabletennis?
I play tabletennis 3days a week and I play about 2hours!Even it is hard, it is fun!!!I really enjoy it.I want to play more,but I don't have many time.
Who do I play with?
Again I play alone in my family...OH!!!With~~~coach and many people(I don't know).I'm the youngest there. Therefore I have to bo polite.I really hate it!!!
Where is the most favorite place to travel?
I love Houston and NewYork(USA).Everytime I visit there it is always new for me.Therefore to me it is really amazing.Also cool!!!
Who do I travel with?
I travel with my mother and my father.I'm too young to travel alone or with my friends.Therefore I would travel with my parents.
Why do I love to travel?
Then I can play really fun. If I don't travel than I have to study in my house and that might be really sad for me. Therefore I  love to travel.
To conclude, the 3 true things about me is 'I love dogs(maltese)','I love playing tabletennis' and 'I love to travel all aroung the world!'
THANK YOU for reading!!!
If you have a question write it in comments!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley,
    Thank you for sharing. I like the colors you used in your post. It is also well-written with just a few grammar mistakes we can work on. Try to add pictures next time as well.
